Article in OSME

Notes from the field – Nader Fahad on using the OSME Birds of the Middle East Arabic App

Nader Fahad is a young bird watcher and photographer based in Sakkaka in the Northwest of Saudi Arabia.  Here he shares his experiences using the OSME Arabic Birds of the Middle East app:
I love books a lot, but with the OSME Arabic Birds of the Middle East app I have come to love the idea of applications more.  I think the most important feature is the ability to constantly update species, sounds, graphics and information in general.  I feel this is especially important since the area of northwest Saudi Arabia where I do most of my birding has historically not received a lot of attention from birders.
In addition to using the plates to help identify birds my favourite feature to date is the ability to use bird sounds to both help identify birds and bring them closer to my camera to help get better pictures.
I also use the app to help seek more information about birds from shepherds, farmers and even my school students since it gives me the ability to enlarge the drawings to allow them to see the finer details of the bird and also allows them to hear the sounds of the birds.
Finally the app is very convenient as it is on my phone and is therefore available wherever I go and saves me having to carry heavy field guides in the field.
Nader Fahad using the “app” near Sakkaka NW Saudi Arabia:  Photo Phil Roberts
Contribution by Nader Fahad